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Discoveries, inventions, new technical developments.

Belashov A.N. — Russian theoretical physicist, inventor, author of more than 60 inventions, discoveries of five constants, four physical quantities, 86 laws of physics and 40 mathematical formulas in the field of electrical and magnetic phenomena, electrostatics, electrical engineering, hydrodynamics, atomic physics, astronomy, astrophysics and stellar astronomy. Has more than 100 publications in various Russian and foreign scientific journals and scientific conferences.
The authenticity of inventions and scientific publications can be verified at the following authoritative addresses:
  ORCID  iD 0000-0002-4821-8004  identifier of Belashov scientific works.
  Publons  iD F-7170-2019Б  identifier of Belashov scientific works.
  Google Scholar  identifier of Belashov scientific works.
  Elibrary.Ru  identifier of Belashov scientific works.
  Films on YouTube of Belashov’s scientific works.
  Federal Institute of Industrial Property.
  All-Russian portal Math-Net.Ru.
  Neutral WikiEncyclopedia.
On the pages of this site you will get acquainted with many inventions, scientific and technical discoveries, scientific publications and new technical developments in various fields of science and technology.

The latest discoveries in physics.

Here you will learn about the discovery of the basic laws of the universe:
значок the law of determining energy within the various spaces of our Universe, allowing us to calculate the stored energy of any material body on our planet, for example, a certain volume of any brand of wood, coal, oil, gas, and so on... This law additionally not only confirms, but it also completely refutes the law of conservation of energy.
значок the law of determining the speed of light in the space of our Universe, reflecting the large dependence of the movement of the speed of light passing in space on the power of the light radiation source, the diameter of the light flux and the distance from the light radiation source to the final target. The new law takes into account the loss of light flux passing through the substance of space and the acceleration of free fall of bodies in the space of the medium where the light source is moving. The new law completely refutes the assertion that the speed of light is constant.
Here you will learn about discovering new constants:
you will learn the next physical quantities
Here you will learn about the refutation of the old laws of physics:
Here you will learn about new physical phenomena of the material world:
Here you will learn about the mechanism of the emergence and spread of viruses on planet Earth.
In the section of scientific discoveries, you will learn about previously unknown, but objectively existing patterns and properties of the material world, which make fundamental changes in the level of knowledge of the most relevant scientific discoveries and new fundamental laws of physics:
- a new theory of multifaceted dependence has been discovered, which states that our material world is very diverse and all the processes that take place in it are due to random that occur in time, in different ways, influence one another and depend on each other.
From the scientific article you will learn about the discovery of the mechanism of gravitational attraction of the planets of the solar system. This statement became possible after the discovery of a new constant of internal stresses of the substance of outer space and a new law of gravitation of one material body located in the space of the Solar system to the central star of the Sun.
You will learn about the discovery of a new physical quantity that determines the composition, density and mass of the substance of outer space. The discovery of a new law that determines the strength of the substance of outer space between the measured material body and the Sun. The discovery of a new law that determines the modulus of acceleration of free fall of bodies in the space of the solar system and the discovery of a new physical quantity that determines the acceleration of free fall of bodies in the space of the solar system.
You will get acquainted with a new proof of the existence of the planetary model of the structure of the atom. From a scientific article you will learn how an atom of a conductor differs from an atom of a dielectric or an atom of a semiconductor from an atom of a magnet, diamagnet, paramagnet and ferromagnet.
You will get acquainted with the mathematical proof of the behavior of falling material bodies in the space of the earth's orbit. From a scientific article you will learn that material bodies of the same volume and the same mass, one of which consists of wood, will fall to the surface of the earth earlier than a material body consisting of steel, refuting the experiments of Galileo and the teachings of Aristotle.
In one of the scientific articles, you will get acquainted with the mechanisms of formation of the planets of the solar system, which are presented in a popular form. This publication revealed the mechanism of formation of thermoelectric currents, the mechanism of formation of magnetic poles, the mechanism of formation of a magnetic field, the mechanism of launching and autonomous rotation of the planet Earth counterclockwise and the planet Venus clockwise, the mechanism of rotation of the Moon in an elliptical orbit. Here, the mechanism of the formation of earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, geopathic zones and volcanic activity of the planet Earth and the planet Venus was briefly outlined.The mechanisms of the formation of the planets of the Solar System outlined in the article are subject to the laws of nature and provide an opportunity to learn and take a fresh look at the existence of previously unknown properties and phenomena of the material world.
You will also get acquainted with the system of scientific principles generalizing the prevailing opinion about the evolutionary development of the planets of the solar system, proving the origin of certain phenomena of the material world. Of the various contradictory hypotheses of the formation of the planets of the solar system, only those theories were singled out that are amenable to logical comprehension and can be proved by modern laws of physics that have passed the test of time.
From various scientific articles you will learn about the basic laws of movement of material bodies located in outer space along an elliptical orbit:
- a new law of gravity between two material bodies located in the space of the solar system, since there is a strong opinion in the scientific community that the acceleration of free fall of bodies in space creates an attraction of bodies on planet Earth. You may be very disappointed, but at the south and north poles of our planet there is no acceleration of free fall of bodies in space, and people do not fly there. No one in the whole world, until today, has been able to give an intelligible answer, as a result of which the attraction of bodies on the planets of our Universe occurs. I will try to give you an exhaustive answer to all these questions with specific examples and evidence.
You will be interested to learn about the open mechanisms of the formation of the planets of the solar system, which fully prove the origin of certain phenomena of the material world, according to the well-known and new laws of physics.
From other scientific articles you will learn about the new laws of hydrodynamics that determine the moment of force, work, energy and the period of time necessary to move one layer of the water flow or liquid mixture passing through the variable section of the riverbed or pipeline. According to the new laws and mathematical formulas of hydrodynamics, taking into account the total losses in the variable section of a horizontal pipe or river mouth, it is possible to determine the moment of force, work and energy of a liquid mixture passing through a variable section of a river or pipeline. Here you will also learn that new mathematical formulas in hydrodynamics were derived on the basis of an established and previously unknown physical quantity, the ratio of the kinematic viscosity of the water flow per unit of time, which = 462,127493944895187929545225419 ... m²/s, at 20°C.
In the section of scientific discoveries, you will get acquainted with new laws and mathematical formulas of electrical and electrical phenomena that explain all the ways of forming, measuring and calculating various forms of DC or AC signals, as well as:
- the world's first electric machine Belashov EMPTB-01, in which many multi-turn rotor windings, without changing the direction of the current in the conductors, pass through one or many permanent horseshoe magnets,
- the world's first electrical machine Belashov UBEMB-01, in which many multi-turn windings of the dielectric rotor, without changing the direction of the current in the conductors, pass through one or many permanent horseshoe magnets,
- the world's first electric machine Belashov MDUEMB, in which one or many multi-turn windings of a dielectric rotor, without changing the direction of current movement in one or many multi-turn windings, pass through one or many permanent horseshoe magnets, where the magnets of the excitation system can have a different direction of movement of the magnetic streams,
- the world's first electrical machine Belashov MTsUEMB, in which one or many multi-turn windings of the dielectric rotor, without changing the direction of current movement in one or many multi-turn windings, pass through one or many permanent horseshoe magnets, where the magnets of the excitation system can have different directions of movement of the magnetic streams,
- the world's first thermoelectric machine Belashov UTEMB-01, in which many thermoelements consist of two branches. One branch consists of p-type conductors, the second branch consists of n-type conductors of the upper tier and the lower tier, made in the form of thermocouples. A plurality of thermocouples, upper and lower tiers, without changing the direction of current flow in the conductors, pass through one or many closed magnetic systems without switching devices,
From the patents of the Russian Federation, you will learn mathematical formulas for calculating a wind turbine, derived on the basis of a new physical quantity, the ratio of the kinematic viscosity of the air flow per unit of time, which, according to modern data, = 7,70212489908158646549242043365948 ... m²/s, at 20°С.
You can get acquainted with the most relevant scientific and technical discoveries of Belashov, the list of which is located on twenty-five pages of this site - 10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25. 
You will be interested to learn about new, interesting and progressive inventions of Belashov, the list of which is placed on three sheets of this site - 3 - more than sixty patents of the Russian Federation.
The following inventions can be attributed to military-technical developments:
- an intelligent cavitation-reactive torpedo with multiple warheads, which is designed to protect ships and submarines. The torpedo is capable of moving along a complex trajectory, with high or low acceleration, to the left or right, down or up, to stop, to make a quick dive or ascent. Perform any turns or turns on the spot and on the move, perform distracting or disorienting actions and attack an underwater or surface target, with a vertical and horizontal angle of attack, along multiple compartments of the target object from the top, bottom and front sides at the same time,
- gravity-antigravity device is designed to accelerate or slow down the movement of artificial earth satellites, aircraft or space stations. For automatic maintenance of artificial earth satellites and space stations in a given space orbit. As automatic devices that collect space debris and move it to a lower orbit for further disposal on Earth.
- the gravitational device is intended for rest and rehabilitation of cosmonauts who are in outer space for a long time, for military pilots who overcome the supersonic barrier or astronauts who overcome the earth's gravity.
- Belashov aircraft, which looks like a flying saucer, which can move in water, air and space environment,
Progressive technical developments include the following inventions:
- Belashov rotary jet engine, which runs on any motor fuel or gas, and to increase the volume of working gases in a jet rotary engine, water or liquid waste is used,
- Belashov rotary piston vacuum pump, operating in the mode of a conventional piston, having sealing and oil scraper rings, which rotates in a circle inside the cylinder located in the housing,
- Belashov gearbox, which, when the turbine rotates in one direction, rotates the rotor and stator of the low-speed generator in different directions,
- modular centrifugal mill for medium fine and ultrafine grinding of material, both soft and hard materials, for the production of glass, ceramics, cement, grinding of solid fuels burned in boiler units of thermal power plants,
- Belashov modular high-speed electrical machine, which at any frequency does not have the inductive resistance of multi-turn windings, since the direction of the current in multi-turn windings does not change its direction of movement,
- Belashov modular low-speed generator, in which consumers from individual modules of a low-speed generator can independently complete any machine parameters, for any voltage and any number of revolutions,
- Belashov modular power plant, which is a unified device for generating electrical energy from a source of fluid medium, consisting of wind, water, water vapor, exhaust gas flows in open or closed spaces,
- Belashov modular low-speed electric machine, powered by photovoltaic batteries, which is designed for power drives in places where there are no voltage sources. The sensitivity threshold of this module is five volts,
- a hybrid hydro-gas-dynamic power plant for the generation of electrical energy from thermodynamic processes occurring in an ideal gas, combined with various alternative sources of the current medium, consisting of wind flows, water vapor, waste gas heat, sunlight, sea waves, tides, river energy and other sources
- a hybrid-modular power plant for the generation of electrical energy from sources of the current environment, consisting of wind flows, water vapor, exhaust gases, sunlight, heat, cold, ebbs and flows, river energy and other sources or mechanical converters. All sources of the flowing medium and converters are connected with static or dynamic modules of thermoelements operating from thermoelectricity obtained from temperature difference.

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© Belashov A.N.. All rights to scientific discoveries and inventions are reserved 1987—