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Foreword  to  the  scientific  article.
Open new laws and mathematical formulas on hydrodynamics, which are taken from the description of the application for invention № 2008137340 from 19 September 2008 year and popular form set out in «Международном научно-исследовательском журнале», № 7-14 2013 year Part 1 Page 7. Certificate of state registration of PI № ФС 77-51217 ISSN 2303-9868.
Additions to refutation of the law of world gravity published in the scientific journal «Актуальные проблемы современной науки» № 2 for 2019 year. Publisher «Спутник+», Moscow city. Certificate of State Registration PI № 77-39976 ISSN 1608-9014.
The discovery of the mechanism of formation of gravitational forces, cosmic opposition forces and forces of cosmic interaction, which are published in the scientific journal «Аспирант и соискатель» № 1 for 2019 year. Publisher «Спутник+», Moscow city. Certificate of State Registration PI № 77-39976 ISSN 1608-9014.
The force of gravitational gravity between two material bodies located in the space of the solar system was discovered, which was published in the scientific and practical journal «Высшая школа» № 12 for 2018 year, City Ufa. Certificate of State Registration PI № ФС 77-38591 ISSN 2409-1677.
The law of discovery between two material bodies in the space of the Solar (or other) system, which is taken from the description of the application for invention № 2005129781 28 September 2005 year and in a popular form set out in the scientific and analytical journal «Научная перспектива» № 1-35 for 2013 year, City Ufa. Certificate of State Registration PI № ФС 77-38591 ISSN 2077-3153.
The refutation of Newton's law of the world and the gravitational constant is published in «Журнал научных и прикладных исследований» № 8 for 2016 year, City Ufa. Certificate of State Registration PI № ФС 77-38591 ISSN 2306-9147.

UDC 53.02

New laws and mathematical formulas on hydrodynamics.

Abstract. The article is dedicated to the discovery of new laws of hydrodynamics determining the period of time required to move one of the layer of water flow and torque to move the water flow, or liquid mixture flowing in the variable section of the river channel or pipe. New laws work and energy to determine the flow of water or a liquid mixture flowing in the variable section of the river channel or pipe. According to the new laws of hydrodynamics and mathematical formulas, considering the total loss in the AC section or the horizontal tube, the mouth of the can to determine torque, work and energy of the liquid mixture passing through the variable section of the river or pipe. All these laws are necessary in order to better understand the mechanism of movement of the fluid in the variable section of the river channel or pipeline, which often use Bernoulli's law, which is, as it were, a consequence of the law of conservation of energy. It should be noted that the law of Daniel Bernoulli does not meet the dimensional units of physical quantities and do not take into account a lot of losses in water flow or movement of the liquid mixture in the variable section of the pipeline, and even more so, the law can not determine the moment of force, work or energy of moving water flow the bed of the river.
Hydrodynamics - section hydraulics, which studies the laws of motion of an incompressible fluid, and its interaction with the stationary and moving surfaces. From the point of view of mechanics, fluid substance called, which in equilibrium no shear stresses . Liquid has the properties of flow and take the form of the vessel in which it is poured , or take the form of a fixed or movable surface, through which it passes. Hydraulic methods can also explore the movement of gases, if the speed of this movement is much less than the speed of sound, since the gas velocity close to the speed of sound or more than the beginning to play a significant role compressibility of the gas, where hydraulic methods are no longer applicable. Practical applications of hydrodynamics are extremely diverse. Hydrodynamics used in the design of ships and aircraft, based pipelines, pumps, hydraulic turbines and weirs, in the study of ocean currents and river sediments, the study of groundwater filtration and oil in underground deposits, and so on ...
In the flow of incompressible fluids typically have different flow and strength. For example, laminar or turbulent flow, which includes the pressure force of resistance, viscosity, gravity and so on... Respect their proportionality means complete hydrodynamic similarity. Implementation in practice of the full hydrodynamic similarity is very difficult, so usually deal with a partial (incomplete) likeness in which a major proportion observed, the main forces.
Laminar fluid flow over a flat surface, which is not any bends around obstacles and moves defined layers is more predictable and predicted. Whereas turbulent fluid flow, accompanied by intense agitation and erratic motion of the molecules of the liquid and gas velocity and pressure pulsations . When the turbulent fluid flow velocity vectors are not only axial, but also normal to the axis of the channel components, so along with the longitudinal movement of the main fluid channel along transverse movements occur (stirring ) and rotatory motion of individual volumes of fluid. This explains the velocity and pressure pulsations. Turbulence can also occur in any violation of homogeneity of the medium, such as cavitation ( boiling ). Rollover and destruction surf occurs multiphase mixture of water, air and foam. Instant environment settings become chaotic.
Simulation of turbulence - one of the most difficult and unresolved problems in fluid dynamics and theoretical physics. Turbulence occurs always in excess of certain critical parameters: the speed and the size of the body or decrease the viscosity of the fluid. It can also occur when highly irregular boundary and initial conditions on the boundary of the body. Or may fade under hard acceleration on the surface of the stream, with a strong stratification of the medium. Because turbulence is characterized by random behavior of the instantaneous values of velocity, pressure and temperature at the point of liquid or gas, this means that for the same conditions detailed picture of the distribution of these units in the liquid will vary and virtually never repeated. Therefore , the instantaneous velocity distribution at various points in a turbulent flow is usually of no interest , and average values are important. Problem description of hydrodynamic turbulence is, in particular, and that is not yet possible only on the basis of hydrodynamic equations to predict exactly when the turbulent regime should start and what it should happen without experimental data. On powerful computers to simulate Can only certain types of flows. As a result, we have to be content with only approximate and phenomenological description.
With the invention the hydro-thermal cavitation heater and hydroelectric dam-opened new laws and mathematical formulas on hydrodynamics, I present for your consideration.
1. The new law determining the period of time required to move one layer of water investigated laminar fluid flow can be formulated as follows:
The period of time required to move one layer investigated laminar water flow is equal to the square root of the product of the sum of the mass of the layer of water flow and mass layer located above the test bed for the amount of water flow height of the layer and the layer height is above the investigated layer of water flow and inversely proportional to the difference between the forces total water flow and the loss of power in the displacement of each layer.

t - period of time required to move one layer investigated laminar water flow, s
m в layer - the layer is above the mass of the investigated layer of water flow, m
h в layer - the layer height is above the investigated layer of water flow, m
Δ F - loss of strength of each layer is displaced by the water flow, N
h и layer - the height of the layer of water flow, m
m и layer - the mass of the layer of water flow, m
F - force for moving the whole water flow N.
We must realize that the water flow in the river channel moves with different acceleration. For example, the upper layer of the water flow will flow faster than the middle layer and the middle layer of the water flow will flow faster than the lower layer of the water flow. To confirm the time required to move the one of the layer of aqueous fluid flow visually determine the maximum water flow operation, which moves in a laminar flow having a riverbed:
V - water flow rate of the river bed = 1 m/s
a - width of the water flow of the river bed = 5 m
h - height of the water flow of the river bed = 1 m
L - Length of water flow riverbed = 1 m
We define the amount of water that flows through the river bed for 1 s:

V = (h ∙ a) ∙ L = (1 м ∙ 5 м) ∙ 1 м = 5 м³

V - volume of water that flows through the river bed, m³
h - height of the water flow of the river bed = 1 m
a - width of the water flow of the river bed = 5 m
L - Length of water flow riverbed = 1 m.
From physics we know that the density of water at 20°С, рв = 0,99823 г/см³ or 998,23 kg/m³.
We define the weight of water having a volume of 5 m³, which extends beyond one s:

G = V ∙ pв = 5 м³ ∙ 998,23 кг/м³ = 4991,15 кг

G - weight measured volume of water flow, kg
рв - the density of water at 20°C = 998,23 kg/m³
V - volume measured by the volume of water = 5 m³.

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See hydroelectric dam-Belashova.
Patent of the Russian Federation  № 2382232. Патент
See the mathematical formula for calculating the hydro-thermal cavitation heater Belashova.
Patent of the Russian Federation  № 2277678. Патент
See the mathematical formula for calculating wind turbine Belashova.
Patent of the Russian Federation  № 2247860. Патент
Complete list of scientific publications.

List of the most current scientific discoveries.

Here you will learn about the discovery of the basic laws of the universe:
значок the law for determining energy within the various spaces of our Universe, allowing us to calculate the stored energy of any material body on our planet, for example, a certain volume of some type of wood, coal, oil, gas, and so on... The new law completely refutes the statement about the conservation of energy in the space of our Universe.
значок the law for determining the speed of light in the space of our Universe, displaying the large dependence of the movement of the speed of light passing in space on the power of the light emission source, the diameter of the light flux and the distance from the light emission source to the final target. The new law takes into account the loss of light flux passing through the substance of space and the acceleration of free fall of bodies in the space of the medium where the light source is moving. The new law completely refutes the statement about the constancy of the speed of light in the space of our Universe.
Opening new constants:
Discovery of new physical quantities:
Refutation of old laws of physics:
Discovery of new physical phenomena of the material world:
Outer space is a thermodynamic self-regulating energy system, which in the process of its work creates not only the substance of outer space, which has its own composition, its mass and density, but also the acceleration of free fall of bodies in space around all the stars, galaxies and constellations of our Universe. The substance of outer space and the acceleration of free fall of bodies in space closely interact with the forces of gravity and energy between active and passive material bodies. After the discovery of the constant inverse speed of light, the constant of the substance of outer space, the constant of internal stresses of the substance of outer space, a new physical quantity that determines the substance of outer space and a new physical quantity that determines the acceleration of free fall of bodies in the space of the Solar System, the mechanism of rotation of the planets and galaxies of our Universe along the elliptical orbit. The mechanism of the emergence of forces that rotate the planets and galaxies of our Universe in an elliptical orbit occurs in cosmic substance and depends on the degree of activity of material bodies, their density, volume, the acceleration of free fall of bodies in space, gravitational forces and energy between active or passive material bodies. When the position of one material body located in the space of the solar system changes in relation to another material body, not only the gravitational force of this material body will change, but also its energy. New constants, new physical quantities and new laws give us the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the mechanism of rotation of the planets and galaxies of our Universe in an elliptical orbit.
New laws of gravitational gravitation:
The basic laws that create the movement of material bodies in an elliptical orbit.
Comments on the scientific discoveries of Belashov:
See the description of the new laws of formation of the planets of the solar system and galaxies in our universe in the description of the application for an invention  № 2005129781 dated September 28, 2005.
See the description of the mechanisms of formation of the planets of the solar system and galaxies of our Universe in the description of the application for an invention  № 2005140396 of December 26, 2005.