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Comment on unidentified flying objects.

Throughout the world, not subsiding interest in the «UFO» (unidentified flying objects), which periodically in different parts of our planet. Now many people know that space of our universe, which share our planet and galaxy, contains a great wealth of the material world, it's light, interstellar gas, cosmic radiation, the weak electromagnetic fields, etc... However, all these riches of the material world can not serve as a full working body, which is air or water. From this it is necessary conclude that at our level of technology in outer space may be moved at high speed only rocket Tsiolkovsky. If we consider that the long flights any objects are associated not only with the movement, the object itself, but also life-support as living beings (if they will be there) and all technical devices that implement movement of the object in space, it becomes clear that the current level of technology long flights would be very problematic. It should be borne in mind that all aircraft, even aliens (if any) for long-haul flights, in space, will have big problems with the repair or maintenance.
In order to have an understanding of space and unidentified flying objects of «UFO» you need to get acquainted with the laws and mechanisms of planetary formation Solar system and galaxies in our universe.
In real life on our planet may be aircraft that have the form flying saucer, which can move with great speed under water and in air space, dramatically change the angle of elevation, rotation, hover over an object, etc...
Belashova aircraft designed as a flying saucer capable of moving in water and air. According to its specifications, this technical device, fifteen years ago, surpassed the best American prototypes flying, which are made in the form of flying saucers.
Belashova aircraft, with varying geometric shapes can be transported not only in water, air, and space environment.
In the scientific community has developed a persistent view that the acceleration of free fall of bodies in space creates the attraction of bodies on Earth. However, few people think about what the Moon there is no acceleration of free fall of bodies in space and American astronauts who are there visited, not fallen down from there. Perhaps you are very disappointed, but the southern and northern pole of the planet, too there is no acceleration of free fall of bodies in space, and the people there do not fly. Nobody in the world, to date, could not give a clear answer result there is the attraction of bodies on the planets of our universe. To understand the this issue, you need to get acquainted not only with the new law, the acceleration of the fall of bodies in space, but the new law of gravitation between two material bodies located in the space of the solar (or other) systems, the new law of gravitation a material body is in space, solar (or other) systems to the central star (the sun), the new law, the activity of a material body located in space, the new law of energy between material bodies are in space solar (or other) systems, the new law, the energy of a material body in the solar space (or other) systems to the central star (Sun) and many others... All these questions I will try to give you a comprehensive answer with concrete examples and facts.
See A new law acceleration of free fall of bodies in space.
See A new law attraction between two material bodies located in the space of the solar (or other) systems.
See A new law gravity of a material body is in space, solar (or other) systems to the central star (the Sun).
See comment of gravitational devices Belashova.
See comment of anti-gravity devices Belashova.
See acting layout mechanism of rotation of planets in the solar system.
See the world's first electrical machine disk Belashova MDEMB-01, which was invented on the basis of a mechanism independent of rotation of planets.
See video film demonstrating the world's first modular-disc electric machine Belashova MDEMB-01.
See the description of the mechanisms of formation of planets and galaxies in our universe in the description of the application  № 2005129781 28 september 2005.
See the description of the laws of the formation of planets and galaxies in our universe in the description of the application  № 2005140396 26 december 2005.

List of the most relevant scientific discoveries.

The cosmic space is a thermodynamic self-regulating energy system that, in the course of its work, creates not only the substance of outer space, which has its composition, its mass and density, but also the acceleration of the free fall of bodies in space around all the stars, galaxies and constellations of our universe. The substance of outer space and the acceleration of the free fall of bodies in space closely interacts with the forces of gravity and energy between active and passive material bodies. The field of the discovery of a new law defining the strength of the substance of outer space between the measured material body and the Sun, the discovery of a new law that determines the acceleration modulus free fall of bodies in the space of the solar system, the mechanism of rotation of the planets and galaxies of our Universe by elliptical orbit. The mechanism of the origin of the forces of the planets and galaxies of our Universe moving in an elliptical orbit occurs in the cosmic substance and depends on the degree of activity of material bodies, their density, volume, acceleration of free fall of bodies in space, gravitational forces and energy between active or passive material bodies. When the position of one material body in the space along the the relation to another material body will change not only the gravitational force of this material body, but also its energy. The new laws give us Possibility of deeper understanding of the mechanism of rotation of planets and galaxies of our Universe in elliptical orbit.

New laws of gravitational gravitation.

The basic laws that create the movement of material bodies in an elliptical orbit.

Comments on the properties of gravitational gravitation.

See the description of new laws and mechanisms for the formation of the planets of the solar system and galaxies of our universe in the description of the application for invention  № 2005129781 from 28 September 2005 year
See the description of new laws and mechanisms for the formation of the planets of the solar system and galaxies of our universe in the description of the application for invention  № 2005140396 from 26 December 2005 year.