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The new laws of physics discovered by Belashova.

Belashov A.N. theoretical physicist, author of more than 60 inventions, discoveries of five constants, four physical quantities, 86 laws of physics and 40 mathematical formulas in the field of electrical and magnetic phenomena, electrostatics, electrical engineering, hydrodynamics, atomic physics, astronomy, astrophysics, stellar astronomy and 100 scientific publications in various Russian and foreign scientific journals.
The authenticity of inventions and scientific publications can be verified at the following authoritative addresses:
  ORCID  iD 0000-0002-4821-8004  identifier of Belashov scientific works.
  Publons  iD F-7170-2019Б  identifier of Belashov scientific works.
  Google Scholar  identifier of Belashov scientific works.
  Elibrary.Ru  identifier of Belashov scientific works.
  Films on YouTube of Belashov’s scientific works.
  Federal Institute of Industrial Property.
  All-Russian portal Math-Net.Ru.

New scientific discoveries of Belashov.

Here you will learn about the discovery of the basic laws of the universe:
значок the law of determining energy within the various spaces of our Universe, allowing us to calculate the stored energy of any material body on our planet, for example, a certain volume of any brand of wood, coal, oil, gas, and so on... This law additionally not only confirms, but it also completely refutes the law of conservation of energy.
значок the law of determining the speed of light in the space of our Universe, reflecting the large dependence of the movement of the speed of light passing in space on the power of the light radiation source, the diameter of the light flux and the distance from the light radiation source to the final target. The new law takes into account the loss of light flux passing through the substance of space and the acceleration of free fall of bodies in the space of the medium where the light source is moving. The new law completely refutes the assertion that the speed of light is constant.

List of discoveries of new constants.

1. Opened constant reverse speed of light.
2. Opened constant power of one electron.
3. Opened constant substance of outer space.
4. Opened constant the number of electrons in one watt.
5. Opened constant internal stresses of the substance of outer space.

The list of discoveries of new physical quantities.

6. Opened the new a physical quantity that determines the substance of outer space.
7. Opened the new a physical quantity that determines the kinematic viscosity of the water flow per unit time.
8. Opened the new the physical quantity that determines the kinematic viscosity of the air flow per unit time.
9. Opened the new the physical quantity that determines the acceleration of the free fall of bodies in the space of the solar system.

The list of the most relevant refutations of the laws of physics.

10. Open rebuttal nuclear model of the structure of the atom.
11. Open rebuttal galileo's experiments on the free fall of bodies in space.
12. Open rebuttal theory of the slow approach of the planet Earth to the Sun.
13. Open rebuttal the law of universal gravitation and the gravitational constant.
14. Open rebuttal the fundamental law of conservation of energy in mechanics and hydrodynamics.

The list of discoveries of new physical phenomena of the material world.

15. Opened evidence properties and composition of the moon.
16. Opened evidence existence of a planetary model of the structure of the atom.
17. Opened evidence behavior of falling material bodies in the space of the Earth's orbit.
18. Opened evidence mechanism for the formation of a magnet from atoms of a magnetic material.

The list of discoveries of the laws of formation of planets and galaxies of our Universe.

19. Opened new law activity of a material body in space.
20. Opened new law accelerating the free fall of bodies in space.
21. Opened new law gravitational attraction between two material bodies.
22. Opened new law movement and mutual dependence between the planets of the solar system.
23. Opened first law gravity between two material bodies located in the space of the solar system.
24. Opened third law the gravitation between two material bodies in the space of the solar system.
25. Opened second law gravity between two material bodies located in the space of the solar system.
26. Opened new law energy between two constellations of material bodies in the space of the universe.
27. Opened new law gravity between two constellations of material bodies in the space of the universe.
28. Opened new law gravity between two stellar systems of material bodies located in the space of the galaxy.
29. Opened new law the determining modulus of acceleration of free fall of bodies in space of the Solar system.
30. Opened new law energy between the material bodies of two stellar systems located in the space of the galaxy.
31. Opened new law the gravitation of the material bodies of one constellation located in the space of the universe.
32. Opened new law gravity of one star system of material bodies in the space of the galaxy, to the central star of the galaxy.
33. Opened new law the energy of a single material body located in the space of the solar system to the central star of the Sun.
34. Opened first law the gravitation of one material body located in the space of the solar system, to the central star of the Sun.
35. Opened new law determining the strength of the substance of outer space between the Sun and the measured material body.
36. Opened second law the gravitation of one material body located in the space of the solar system, to the central star of the Sun.
37. Opened new law gravitational attraction between the planet Earth and a falling material body located in the space of the earth's orbit.
38. Opened new law energy of the material bodies of one constellation located in the space of the Universe, to the central star of the Universe.
39. Opened new law the energy of the material bodies of a single stellar system located in the space of the galaxy to the central star of the galaxy.

The list of discoveries of new laws of electrical and electrical phenomena.

40. Opened new law determining the power of an electrical source.
41. Opened new law determine the maximum shape of the DC signal.
42. Opened new law determine the maximum shape of the AC signal.
43. Opened new law determine the voltage of the source of electric charge.
44. Opened new law determining the load resistance of an electrical source.
45. Opened new law determining the effective values ​​of various forms of DC signals.
46. Opened new law determining the effective values ​​of various forms of the AC signal.
47. Opened new law indirect determination of the acceleration of the free fall of bodies in space.
48. Opened new law determination of the current passing through the cross-section of the conductor.
49. Opened new law determination of the current passing through the cross-section of the conductor.
50. Opened new law determination of the interaction force of two point charges located in a vacuum.
51. Opened new law determination of the velocity of motion of the electric charge at a given point of the trajectory.
52. Opened new law determination of the strength of the electric charge source passing through the cross-section of the conductor.
53. Opened new law determination of the displacement distance of electrically charged particles with different current strength and different load resistance.

A list of discoveries of new laws of electric charges based on the constant of the reverse velocity of light.

54. Opened new law determination of the power plant power.
55. Opened new law which determines the power of one electron.
56. Opened new law determination of the voltage of one electron.
57. Opened new law which determines the strength of the electric charge.
58. Opened new law which determines the number of electrons in one watt.
59. Opened new law determining the number of electrons in the power plant.

A list of discoveries of new laws of electrical and electrical phenomena based
on the constant of the reverse light speed.

60. Opened new law law of determining the power of an electrical source.
61. Opened new law determine the voltage of the source of electric charge.
62. Opened new law determining the load resistance of an electrical source.
63. Opened new law determination of the electric charge diffusion coefficient in a conductor.
64. Opened new law determination of the velocity of electrically charged particles moving along a conductor.
65. Opened new law determining the strength of the current of the electric charge passing through the conductor.
66. Opened new law determination of the number of electron revolutions of a conductor moving along the circumference.
67. Opened new law determination of the strength of the electric charge source passing through the cross-section of the conductor.
68. Opened new law determination of the displacement distance of electrically charged particles with different current strength and different load resistance.

List of discoveries of new laws on hydrodynamics.

69. Opened new law determine the moment of force to move the water flow or the liquid mixture.
70. Opened new law determination of the time period necessary for the displacement of one layer under investigation.
71. Opened new law determination of the work to move the water flow or liquid mixture passing through a variable section of the river bed or pipeline.
72. Opened new law determination of energy for the movement of an aqueous stream or a liquid mixture passing through a variable section of the river bed or pipeline.
List of discoveries of new laws on hydrodynamics.
A list of mechanisms for the emergence, spread and interaction of viruses on planet Earth.
Complete list of scientific publications.
1. Belashov A.N. "Reverse speed constant of light". Scientific and analytical journal "Scientific Observer",  № 1-25 for 2013, page 64. Infiniti Publishing House, Ufa. Certificate of state registration PI  № FS 77-42040 ISSN 2220-329X.
2. Belashov A.N. "Mechanism of formation of gravitational forces and a new law of acceleration of free fall of bodies in space". Scientific and analytical journal "Scientific Observer",  № 1-25 for 2013, page 68. Infiniti Publishing House, Ufa. Certificate of state registration PI  № FS 77-42040 ISSN 2220-329X.
3. Belashov A.N. "A new law of gravitation of one material body located in the space of the Solar (or other) system to the central star of the Sun." Scientific and analytical journal "Scientific Perspective",  № 1-35 for 2013, page 58. Infiniti Publishing House, Ufa. State registration certificate PI  № FS 77-38591 ISSN 2077-3153.
4. Belashov A.N. "A new law of gravitation between two material bodies located in the space of the solar (or other) system." Scientific and analytical journal "Scientific Perspective",  № 1-35 for 2013, page 53. Infiniti Publishing House, Ufa. State registration certificate PI  № FS 77-38591 ISSN 2077-3153.
5. Belashov A.N. "A new law of gravitation between two material bodies located in the space of the solar system". Scientific and methodological journal "Problems of modern science and education",  № 1-15 for 2013, page 9. Printing house "PresSto", Ivanovo city. Certificate of state registration PI  № FS 77-47745 ISSN 2304-2338.
6. Belashov A.N. "A new law of gravitation of one material body located in the space of the Solar (or other) system to the central star of the Sun." Scientific and methodological journal "Problems of modern science and education",  № 2-16 for 2013, page 13. Printing house "PresSto", Ivanovo city. Certificate of state registration PI  № FS 77-47745 ISSN 2304-2338.
7. Belashov AN "A New Law of Electrical Phenomena". "Problems of modern science and education", scientific and methodological journal  № 2-16 for 2013, page 21. Printing house "PresSto", Ivanovo city. Certificate of state registration PI  № FS 77-47745 ISSN 2304-2338.
8. Belashov AN "A new law of the force of interaction of two point charges". “Problems of modern science and education”, scientific and methodological journal  № 1-15 for 2013, page 15. Printing house “PresSto”, Ivanovo city. Certificate of state registration PI  № FS 77-47745 ISSN 2304-2338.
9. Belashov AN "A New Law of Electrical Phenomena". "Journal of Scientific and Applied Research", scientific and practical journal  № 1-2 for 2013, page 49. Infiniti Publishing House, Ufa. State registration certificate PI  № FS 77-38591 ISSN 2306-9147.
10. Belashov AN "New energy laws of material bodies located in the space of the solar system". Scientific and practical journal "Journal of Scientific and Applied Research",  № 1-2 for 2013, page 60. Infiniti Publishing House, Ufa. State registration certificate PI  № FS 77-38591 ISSN 2306-9147.
11. Belashov A.N. "Mechanism of formation of gravitational forces and a new law of acceleration of free fall of bodies in space". "International Scientific Research Journal",  № 2-9 for 2013, page 7. Impex Printing House, Yekaterinburg. Certificate of state registration PI  № FS 77 - 51217 ISSN 2303-9868.
12. Belashov A.N. "A new law for determining the speed of movement of an electric charge at a given point in the trajectory". "International Scientific Research Journal",  № 2-9 for 2013, page 4. Impex Printing House, Yekaterinburg. Certificate of state registration PI  № FS 77 - 51217 ISSN 2303-9868.
13. Belashov A.N. "New energy laws of material bodies located in the space of the solar (or other) system". "International Research Journal",  № 3-10 for 2013, part 1 page 12. Impex Printing House, Yekaterinburg. Certificate of state registration PI  № FS 77 - 51217 ISSN 2303-9868:
- a new law of activity of a material body located in space,
- a new law of acceleration of free fall of bodies in space,
- a new law of gravitation of material bodies of one constellation, located in the space of the Universe,
- a new law of energy between two constellations of material bodies located in the space of the Universe,
- a new law of gravity between two constellations of material bodies located in the space of the Universe,
- a new law of energy of one material body located in the space of the Solar (or other) system,
- a new law of energy between the material bodies of two star systems located in the space of the galaxy,
- a new law of gravity of one material body located in the space of the Solar (or other) system,
- a new law of gravity between two stellar systems of material bodies located in the space of the galaxy,
- a new law of energy between two material bodies located in the space of the solar (or other) system,
- a new law of gravity between two material bodies located in the space of the solar (or other) system,
- a new law of gravitation of one stellar system of material bodies located in the space of the galaxy towards the central star of the galaxy.
14. Belashov A.N. "New laws of electrical phenomena". "International Scientific Research Journal",  № 3-10 for 2013, part 1 page 5. Impex Printing House, Yekaterinburg. Certificate of state registration PI  № FS 77 - 51217 ISSN 2303-9868:
- a new law for determining the power of an electric source,
- a new law for determining the voltage of an electric charge source,
- a new law for determining the maximum form of a DC signal,
- a new law for determining the maximum waveform of an alternating current,
- a new law for determining the load resistance of an electrical source,
- a new law for determining the acceleration of free fall of bodies in space,
- a new law for determining the speed of movement of an electric charge at a given point of the trajectory,
- a new law for determining the effective values ​​of various AC waveforms,
- a new law for determining the force of interaction of two point charges located in a vacuum,
- a new law for determining the effective values ​​of various forms of DC signals,
- a new law for determining the strength of the electric charge passing through the cross section of the conductor,
- the first law for determining the current strength of the source of electric charge passing through the cross section of the conductor,
- the second law for determining the current strength of the source of electric charge passing through the cross section of the conductor,
- a new law for determining the distance of movement of electrically charged particles at different current strengths and different load resistances.
15. Belashov AN "A new law of gravitation between two material bodies located in the space of the solar system". "International Scientific Research Journal",  № 4-11 for 2013, part 1 page 9. Impex Printing House, Yekaterinburg. Certificate of state registration PI  № FS 77 - 51217 ISSN 2303-9868.
16. Belashov AN "A new law of gravitation of one material body located in the space of the solar system to the central star". "International Research Journal",  № 4-11 for 2013, part 1 page 12. Impex Printing House, Yekaterinburg. Certificate of state registration PI  № FS 77 - 51217 ISSN 2303-9868.
17. Belashov A.N. "New laws of hydrodynamics". "International Research Journal",  № 7-14 for 2013, part 1 page 7. Printing house "Impex", Yekaterinburg. Certificate of state registration PI  № FS 77 - 51217 ISSN 2303-9868.
18. Belashov A.N. "The evolutionary development of the planets of the solar system". "International Scientific Research Journal",  № 7-14 for 2013, part 1 page 14. Impex Printing House, Yekaterinburg. Certificate of state registration PI  № FS 77 - 51217 ISSN 2303-9868.
19. Belashov AN "A new law for determining the strength of the source of electric charge." "Actual issues of modern science", center for the development of scientific cooperation CRNS, 28th collection of scientific papers. Publishing house "SIBPRINT" Novosibirsk city August 2013 page 7. Certificate of state registration PI  № ISBN 978-5-906535-20-7.
20. Belashov AN "New laws of electrical phenomena". "Actual issues of modern science", center for the development of scientific cooperation CRNS, 28th collection of scientific papers. Publishing house "SIBPRINT" Novosibirsk city August 2013 page 14. Certificate of state registration PI  № ISBN 978-5-906535-20-7.
21. Belashov AN "The evolutionary development of the planets of the solar system". "Actual issues of modern science", center for the development of scientific cooperation CRNS, 28th collection of scientific papers. Publishing house "SIBPRINT" city of Novosibirsk August 2013 page 32. Certificate of state registration PI  № ISBN 978-5-906535-20-7.
22. Belashov AN "Mechanism of formation of gravitational forces and a new law of acceleration of free fall of bodies in space". Scientific and methodological journal "Problems of modern science and education",  № 3-17 for 2013, page 7. Printing house "PresSto", Ivanovo city. Certificate of state registration PI  № FS 77-47745 ISSN 2304-2338.
23. Belashov A.N. "New Views on the Law of Conservation of Energy". Scientific and analytical journal "Scientific Perspective",  № 11-45 for 2013, page 94. Infiniti Publishing House, Ufa. State registration certificate PI  № FS 77-38591 ISSN 2077-3153.
24. Belashov A.N. "New energy laws of material bodies located in the space of the solar system". Scientific and methodological journal "Problems of modern science and education",  № 3-17 for 2013, page 13. Printing house "PresSto", Ivanovo city. Certificate of state registration PI  № FS 77-47745 ISSN 2304-2338.
25. Belashov A.N. "The Mechanism of the Formation of Planets in the Solar System". "Scientific Perspective", scientific and analytical journal  № 9-43 for 2013, page 45. Infiniti Publishing House, Ufa. State registration certificate PI  № FS 77-38591 ISSN 2077-3153.
26. Belashov A.N. "Refutation of the fundamental law of conservation of energy in mechanics and hydrodynamics". "International Scientific Research Journal",  № 9-16 for 2013, part 1 page 7. Printing house "Impex", Yekaterinburg. Certificate of state registration PI  № FS 77 - 51217 ISSN 2303-9868.
27. Belashov A.N. "The mechanism of the emergence of forces carrying out the rotation of the moon in an elliptical orbit." “International Scientific Research Journal”,  № 1-20 for 2014, part 2, page 23. Impex Printing House, Yekaterinburg. Certificate of state registration PI  № FS 77 - 51217 ISSN 2303-9868.
28. Belashov A.N. "New laws of electrical and electrotechnical phenomena based on the inverse speed constant of light". "International Scientific Research Journal",  № 11-30 for 2014, part 1 page 5. Impex Printing House, Yekaterinburg. Certificate of state registration PI  № FS 77 - 51217 ISSN 2303-9868.
29. Belashov A.N. "An explanation of the origin of the Huber effect according to the new laws of electrical phenomena based on the inverse speed of light constant". Scientific and practical journal "Journal of Scientific and Applied Research",  № 4 for 2015, page 78. Infiniti Publishing House, Ufa. State registration certificate PI  № FS 77-38591 ISSN 2306-9147.
30. Belashov A.N. "Explanation of the principle of operation of the Kosyrev-Milroy engine according to the new laws of electrical phenomena based on the constant of the inverse speed of light." Scientific and practical journal "Journal of Scientific and Applied Research",  № 4 for 2015, page 87. Infiniti Publishing House, Ufa. State registration certificate PI  № FS 77-38591 ISSN 2306-9147.
31. Belashov A.N. "Evidence of the existence of a planetary model of the structure of the atom according to the new laws of the formation of planets and galaxies in our Universe." Scientific and practical journal "Journal of Scientific and Applied Research",  № 11 for 2015, page 117. Infiniti Publishing House, Ufa. State registration certificate PI  № FS 77-38591 ISSN 2306-9147.
32. Belashov A.N. "An explanation of the laws of motion and mutual dependence of the planets of the solar system". Scientific and practical journal "Journal of Scientific and Applied Research",  № 11 for 2015, page 139. Infiniti Publishing House, Ufa. State registration certificate PI  № FS 77-38591 ISSN 2306-9147.
33. Belashov A.N. "The law of the Earth's gravitational attraction and its interaction with a falling body". Scientific and practical journal "Journal of Scientific and Applied Research",  № 03 for 2016, page 151. Infiniti Publishing House, Ufa. State registration certificate PI  № FS 77-38591 ISSN 2306-9147.
34. Belashov A.N. "Mathematical proofs of the behavior of falling bodies in the space of the earth's orbit". Scientific and practical journal "Journal of Scientific and Applied Research",  № 04 for 2016, page 110. Infiniti Publishing House, Ufa. State registration certificate PI  № FS 77-38591 ISSN 2306-9147.
35. Belashov A.N. "The law of gravitational attraction between two material bodies". Scientific and practical journal "Journal of Scientific and Applied Research",  № 05 for 2016, page 145. Infiniti Publishing House, Ufa. State registration certificate PI  № FS 77-38591 ISSN 2306-9147.
36. Belashov A.N. "The Refutation of the Theory of the Slow Approach of the Planet Earth to the Sun". Scientific and practical journal "Journal of Scientific and Applied Research",  № 07 for 2016, page 106. Infiniti Publishing House, Ufa. State registration certificate PI  № FS 77-38591 ISSN 2306-9147.
37. Belashov A.N. "The refutation of the law of universal gravitation and the gravitational constant". Scientific and practical journal "Journal of Scientific and Applied Research",  № 08 for 2016, page 72. Infiniti Publishing House, Ufa. State registration certificate PI  № FS 77-38591 ISSN 2306-9147.
38. Belashov A.N. "The Mechanism of Formation of a Magnet from the Atoms of a Magnetic Material". Scientific and practical journal "Journal of Scientific and Applied Research",  № 09 for 2016, page 48. Infiniti Publishing House, Ufa. State registration certificate PI  № FS 77-38591 ISSN 2306-9147.
39. Belashov AN "Refutation of the nuclear model of the structure of the atom". “Journal of Scientific and Applied Research”,  № 09 for 2016, page 64. Infiniti Publishing House, Ufa. State registration certificate PI  № FS 77-38591 ISSN 2306-9147.
40. Belashov AN "Power constant of one electron". Scientific and analytical journal "Scientific Observer",  № 12-72 for 2016, page 74. Infiniti Publishing House, Ufa. Certificate of state registration PI  № FS 77-42040 ISSN 2220-329X.
41. Belashov AN "Constant number of electrons in one watt". Scientific journal "Scientific Observer",  № 12-72 for 2016, page 81. Infinity Publishing House, Ufa. Certificate of state registration PI  № FS 77-42040 ISSN 2220-329X.
42. Belashov AN "A new law for determining the voltage of one electron". Scientific journal "Higher School",  № 23 for 2016, page 101. Infiniti Publishing House, Ufa. Certificate of state registration PI  № FS 77-42040 ISSN 2409-1677.
43. Belashov AN "A new law for determining the strength of an electric charge". Scientific journal "Higher School",  № 24 for 2016, page 66. Infiniti Publishing House, Ufa. Certificate of state registration PI  № FS 77-42040 ISSN 2409-1677.
44. Belashov AN "A new law for determining the power of a power plant." Scientific and practical journal "Higher School",  № 24 for 2016, page 73. Infiniti Publishing House, Ufa. Certificate of state registration PI  № FS 77-42040 ISSN 2409-1677.
45. Belashov A.N. "Constant of the substance of outer space". Scientific and practical journal "Higher School",  № 17 for 2017, page 39. Infiniti Publishing House, Ufa. Certificate of state registration PI  № FS 77-42040 ISSN 2409-1677.
46. ​​Belashov A.N. "A new physical quantity defining the substance of outer space". Scientific and practical journal "Higher School",  № 18 for 2017, page 27. Infiniti Publishing House, Ufa. Certificate of state registration PI  № FS 77-42040 ISSN 2409-1677.
47. Belashov A.N. "A new physical quantity that determines the acceleration of free fall of bodies in the space of the solar system." Scientific and practical journal "Higher School",  № 19 for 2017, page 33. Infiniti Publishing House, Ufa. Certificate of state registration PI  № FS 77-42040 ISSN 2409-1677.
48. Belashov A.N. "Sensational discovery of the properties and composition of the Moon". Scientific and practical journal "Higher School",  № 2 for 2018, page 27. Infiniti Publishing House, Ufa. Certificate of state registration PI  № FS 77-42040 ISSN 2409-1677.
49. Belashov AN "Mechanism of gravitational attraction of the planets of the solar system". Scientific and practical journal "Higher School",  № 12 for 2018, page 5. Infiniti Publishing House, Ufa. Certificate of state registration PI  № FS 77-42040 ISSN 2409-1677.
50. Belashov AN "Laws of the energy of the planets of the solar system". Scientific and practical journal "Higher School",  № 14 for 2018, page 88. Infiniti Publishing House, Ufa. Certificate of state registration PI  № FS 77-42040 ISSN 2409-1677.
51. Belashov AN "A New Law of the Forces of Gravitational Gravitation". Scientific journal "Actual problems of modern science",  № 4 for 2018, page 144. Publishing house "Sputnik +", Moscow. Registration certificate PI  № FS 77-39976 ISSN 1680-2721.
52. Belashov AN "A new law for determining the distance from the surface of the Sun to the surface of the planets of the solar system". Scientific and practical journal "Higher School",  № 17 for 2018, page 49. Infiniti Publishing House, Ufa. Certificate of state registration PI  № FS 77-42040 ISSN 2409-1677.
53. Belashov AN "The Moon is a gas satellite of the planet Earth." Scientific and practical journal "Higher School",  № 18 for 2018, page 61. Infiniti Publishing House, Ufa. Certificate of state registration PI  № FS 77-42040 ISSN 2409-1677.
54. Belashov A.N. "New Laws of the Forces of Gravitational Gravitation". Journal of relevant scientific information "Postgraduate student and competitor",  № 4 for 2018, page 48. Publishing house "Sputnik +", Moscow. Registration certificate PI  № FS 77-39976 ISSN 1608-9014.
55. Belashov A.N. "A new law for determining the acceleration of free fall of bodies in space on the planets of the solar system". Journal of relevant scientific information "Postgraduate student and competitor",  № 5 for 2018, page 48. Publishing house "Sputnik +", Moscow. Registration certificate PI  № FS 77-39976 ISSN 1608-9014.
56. Belashov AN "The free fall acceleration of the Moon is greater than that of the planet Earth." Information and analytical journal "Actual problems of modern science",  № 6 for 2018, page 74. Publishing house "Sputnik +", Moscow. Registration certificate PI  № FS 77-39976 ISSN 1680-2721.
57. Belashov AN "Discovery of new parameters of planet Earth". Journal of relevant scientific information "Postgraduate student and competitor",  № 6 for 2018, page 48. Publishing house "Sputnik +", Moscow. Registration certificate PI  № FS 77-39976 ISSN 1608-9014.
58. Belashov AN "Discovery of the mechanism of formation and internal structure of the Moon". Information and analytical journal "Actual problems of modern science",  № 1 for 2019, page 59. Publishing house "Sputnik +", Moscow. Registration certificate PI  № FS 77-39976 ISSN 1680-2721.
59. Belashov AN "Discovery of the mechanism of formation of forces of gravitational attraction, forces of cosmic counteraction and forces of cosmic interaction." Journal of relevant scientific information "Postgraduate student and competitor",  № 1 for 2019, page 65. Publishing house "Sputnik +", Moscow. Registration certificate PI  № FS 77-39976 ISSN 1608-9014.
60. Belashov AN "Supplement to the refutation of Newton's law of universal gravitation". Information and analytical journal "Actual problems of modern science",  № 2 for 2019, page 106. Publishing house "Sputnik +", Moscow. Registration certificate PI  № FS 77-39976 ISSN 1680-2721.
61. Belashov AN "A Complement to the Discovery of the Inverse Speed ​​Constant of Light and the Refutation of Einstein's Postulates". Journal of relevant scientific information "Postgraduate student and competitor",  № 1 for 2019, page 38. Publishing house "Sputnik +", Moscow. Registration certificate PI  № FS 77-39976 ISSN 1608-9014.
62. Belashov AN "The emergence, spread and interaction of viruses that are an integral part of the ecosystem of planet Earth." Information and analytical journal "Actual problems of modern science",  № 5 for 2020, page 36. Publishing house "Sputnik +", Moscow. Registration certificate PI  № FS 77-39976 ISSN 1680-2721.
63. Belashov AN "The difference between the speed of light and the reciprocal speed constant of light". Information and analytical journal "Actual problems of modern science",  № 1 for 2021, page 22. Publishing house "Sputnik +", Moscow. Registration certificate PI  № FS 77-39976 ISSN 1680-2721.
64. Belashov AN "Mathematical evidence for the existence of the cosmic ether or substance of outer space". Information and analytical journal "Actual problems of modern science",  № 1 for 2021, page 33. Publishing house "Sputnik +", Moscow. Registration certificate PI  № FS 77-39976 ISSN 1680-2721.
65. Belashov AN "Additions to the law of interaction of two point charges moving in space". Information and analytical journal "Actual problems of modern science",  № 2 for 2021, page 32. Publishing house "Sputnik +", Moscow. Registration certificate PI  № FS 77-39976 ISSN 1680-2721.
66. Belashov AN "A new law of the force of interaction between the electrons of the interatomic space of a nuclear-free atom". Scientific and practical journal "Higher School",  № 3 for 2021, page 36. Infiniti Publishing House, Ufa. Certificate of state registration PI  № FS 77-42040 ISSN 2409-1677.
67. Belashov AN "A new law of the force of interaction between mobile electrons and immobile non-nuclear atoms of a conductor". Information and analytical journal "Actual problems of modern science",  № 2 for 2021, page 46. Publishing house "Sputnik +", Moscow. Registration certificate PI  № FS 77-39976 ISSN 1680-2721.
68. Belashov AN "New insights into the interaction of mobile electrons with conductors, semiconductors or dielectrics". Scientific and practical journal "Higher School",  № 5 for 2021, page 36. Infiniti Publishing House, Ufa. Certificate of state registration PI  № FS 77-42040 ISSN 2409-1677.
69. Belashov AN "A new law governing the rate of natural or artificial convection of a medium around a conductor, conductor or dielectric". Journal of relevant scientific information "Postgraduate student and competitor",  № 2 for 2021, page 15. Publishing house "Sputnik +", Moscow. Registration certificate PI  № FS 77-39976 ISSN 1608-9014.
70. Belashov AN "Laws that allow you to find out the causes of climate change and the appearance of anomalous phenomena on planet Earth." Scientific and practical journal "Higher School",  № 6 for 2021, page 32. Infiniti Publishing House, Ufa. Certificate of state registration PI  № FS 77-42040 ISSN 2409-1677.
71. Belashov AN "A new law for determining the force of interaction between the atoms or molecules of the atmosphere of our planet." Journal of relevant scientific information "Postgraduate student and applicant",  № 2 for 2021, page 51. Publishing house "Sputnik +", Moscow. Registration certificate PI  № FS 77-39976 ISSN 1608-9014.
72. Belashov AN "Mechanism of formation of mobile electrons from the air environment of our planet". Scientific and practical journal "Higher School",  № 6 for 2021, page 39. Infiniti Publishing House, Ufa. Certificate of state registration PI  № FS 77-42040 ISSN 2409-1677.
73. Belashov AN "Mechanism of formation of thermoelectric currents from the air environment of our planet". Information and analytical journal "Actual problems of modern science",  № 3 for 2021, page 66. Publishing house "Sputnik +", Moscow. Registration certificate PI  № FS 77-39976 ISSN 1680-2721.
74. Belashov AN "The mechanism of formation of static electricity from the atmosphere of our planet". International Scientific Conference "Science and Innovation 2021: development directions and priorities", City of Melbourne, Australia, 21 April 2021 year, page 102.
75. Belashov A.N. "Mathematical evidence for the generation of electricity from our planet's atmosphere". Information and analytical journal "Actual problems of modern science",  № 3 for 2021, page 56. Publishing house "Sputnik +", Moscow. Registration certificate PI  № FS 77-39976 ISSN 1680-2721.
76. Belashov AN "Mathematical model of the formation of electricity from the atmosphere of our planet". International Scientific Conference "Process Management and Scientific Developments", City of Birmingham, United Kingdom, 1 May 2021, page 134.
77. Belashov AN "The etiology of the occurrence and spread of the COVID-19 pandemic on our planet". International Scientific Conference "Scientific research of the SCO countries: synergy and integration", City of Beijing, China 23 June 2021, page 164.
78. Belashov AN "Wind power plant Belashova self-adjusting in height and closing in area". Research Conference "International Scientific Solutions 2022", city New York, USA 9 February 2022 year, page 204.
79. Belashov AN "System manipulator for collecting space debris around the planet Earth". International Scientific Conference "Process Management and Scientific Developments", City of Birmingham, United Kingdom, 23 February 2022, page 155.
80. Belashov A.N. "The law of determining energy within various spaces and additions refuting the law of conservation of energy" were discovered. Information and analytical journal "Actual Problems of Modern Science",  № 4 for 2022, page 92. "Sputnik +" Publishing House, Moscow. PI Registration Certificate  № FS 77-39976 ISSN 1680-2721.
81. Belashov A.N. "The magnetic field of the Sun, its rotation and the formation around it of the acceleration of free fall of bodies in space". Information and analytical journal "Actual problems of modern science",  № 6 for 2021, page 13. Publishing house "Sputnik +", Moscow. Registration certificate PI  № FS 77-39976 ISSN 1680-2721.
82. Belashov A.N. "Device for converting airspace into electrical energy". International University Scientific Forum «Practice Oriented Science: UAE - Russia - India», held in Dubai, UAE, 8 November 2022 year, page 115.
83. Belashov A.N. "Generator of electrical energy from the atmosphere of our planet". Journal of relevant scientific information "Postgraduate student and applicant",  № 6 for 2022, page 22. Publishing house "Sputnik +", Moscow. Registration certificate PI  № FS 77-39976 ISSN 1608-9014.
84. Belashov A.N. "Discovery of the mechanism of rotation of the planets of the Solar system around the Sun". Journal of relevant scientific information "Postgraduate student and applicant",  № 6 for 2022, page 12. Publishing house "Sputnik +", Moscow. Registration certificate PI  № FS 77-39976 ISSN 1608-9014.
85. Belashov A.N. "New views on the model of the internal structure and the structure of the atom". Information and analytical journal "Actual problems of modern science",  № 1 for 2023, page 34. Publishing house "Sputnik +", Moscow. Registration certificate PI  № FS 77-39976 ISSN 1680-2721.
86. Belashov A.N. "Evidence of the internal structure of a nuclear-free atom». International Scientific Conference «Scientific research of the SCO countries: synergy and integration», City of Beijing, China 10 February 2023 year, page 144.
87. Belashov A.N. "Belashov hexacopter". International Scientific Conference «Scientific research of the SCO countries: synergy and integration», City of Beijing, China 10 March 2023 year, page 107.
88. Belashov A.N. "Evidence of the formation of a magnet from nuclear-free atoms of a magnetic material". International Scientific Conference «Scientific research of the SCO countries: synergy and integration», City of Beijing, China 10 March 2023 year, page 111.
89. Belashov A.N. "Belashov unmanned aerial vehicle". Journal of relevant scientific information "Postgraduate student and applicant",  № 2 for 2023, page 13. Publishing house "Sputnik +", Moscow. Registration certificate PI  № FS 77-39976 ISSN 1608-9014.
90. Belashov A.N. "The mechanism for the formation of an electric current in a conductor located in a magnetic field has been discovered". Journal of relevant scientific information "Postgraduate student and applicant",  № 2 for 2023, page 17. Publishing house "Sputnik +", Moscow. Registration certificate PI  № FS 77-39976 ISSN 1608-9014.
91. Belashov A.N. «The mechanism of movement of electric current through the conductor located in different environments is open". Journal of relevant scientific information "Postgraduate student and applicant",  № 2 for 2023, page 28. Publishing house "Sputnik +", Moscow. Registration certificate PI  № FS 77-39976 ISSN 1608-9014.
92. Belashov A.N. «The unsolved mystery of the structure of the atom». Information and analytical journal "Actual problems of modern science",  № 3 for 2023, page 17. Publishing house "Sputnik +", Moscow. Registration certificate PI  № FS 77-39976 ISSN 1680-2721.
93. Belashov A.N. «Influence of the Sun causing climate change on the planet Earth". Journal of relevant scientific information "Postgraduate student and applicant",  № 3 for 2023, page 7. Publishing house "Sputnik +", Moscow. Registration certificate PI  № FS 77-39976 ISSN 1608-9014.
94. Belashov A.N. «The mechanism of formation of the movement of the planets of the solar system along a sinusoid and an elliptical orbit". Journal of relevant scientific information "Postgraduate student and applicant",  № 3 for 2023, page 19. Publishing house "Sputnik +", Moscow. Registration certificate PI  № FS 77-39976 ISSN 1608-9014.
95. Belashov A.N. «The influence of the Sun causing climate change on planet Earth». Journal of relevant scientific information "Postgraduate student and applicant",  № 3 (136) for 2023, page 7-18. Publishing house "Sputnik +", Moscow. Registration certificate PI  № FS 77-39976 ISSN 1608-9014.
96. Belashov A.N. «The mechanism of movement of the planets of the solar system along a sinusoid and elliptical orbit». Journal of relevant scientific information "Postgraduate student and applicant",  № 3 (136) for 2023, page 19-25. Publishing house "Sputnik +", Moscow. Registration certificate PI  № FS 77-39976 ISSN 1608-9014.
97. Belashov A.N. «Belashov pulse inverter». Journal of relevant scientific information "Postgraduate student and applicant",  № 5 (138) for 2023, page 42-45. Publishing house "Sputnik +", Moscow. Registration certificate PI  № FS 77-39976 ISSN 1608-9014.
98. Belashov A.N. «Belashov pulse transformer». International Scientific Conference «Scientific research of the SCO countries: synergy and integration», Part 1 City of Beijing, China 30 September 2023 year, page 175-180.
99. Belashov A.N. «On the question of determining the movement of the speed of light in the space of our Universe». Journal of relevant scientific information "Postgraduate student and applicant",  № 5 (138) for 2023, page 16-23. Publishing house "Sputnik +", Moscow. Registration certificate PI  № FS 77-39976 ISSN 1608-9014.
100. Belashov A.N. «The influence of the environment and the acceleration of free fall of bodies in space on the speed of movement of the light flux». Information and analytical journal "Actual problems of modern science",  № 6 (135) for 2023, page 66-74. Publishing house "Sputnik +", Moscow. Registration certificate PI  № FS 77-39976 ISSN 1680-2721.
101. Belashov A.N. «Additions to the refutation of the theory about the slow approach of planet Earth to the Sun». Journal of relevant scientific information "Postgraduate student and applicant",  № 1 (140) for 2024, page 10-17. Publishing house "Sputnik +", Moscow. Registration certificate PI  № FS 77-39976 ISSN 1608-9014.
102. Belashov A.N. «The mechanism of formation of dispersed cosmic ether and its transformation into the substance of outer space». Journal of relevant scientific information "Postgraduate student and applicant",  № 2 (141) for 2024, page 12-21. Publishing house "Sputnik +", Moscow. Registration certificate PI  № FS 77-39976 ISSN 1608-9014.
103. Belashov A.N. «The world's first modular electric machine by Belashov». Information and analytical journal “Current problems of modern science”,  № 3 (138) for 2024 pages 15-18. Publishing house "Sputnik +", Moscow. Certificate of registration of individual entrepreneurs PI  № FS 77-39976 ISSN 1680-2721.
104. Belashov A.N. «Coaxial counter-rotating propeller for ships, nuclear-powered ships and submarines». Interuniversity International Congress “Higher School: Scientific Research”. Collection of scientific articles based on the results of the congress held on May 2, 2024 in Moscow, pages 147-153. Publishing house "Infinity". Certificate of state registration PI  № FS 77-38591 ISSN 2077-3153.
105. Belashov A.N. «Belashov coaxial-damper propeller propeller». Journal of current scientific information "Graduate student and applicant",  № 3 (142) for 2024 pages 12-15. Publishing house "Sputnik +", Moscow. Certificate of registration of individual entrepreneurs PI  № FS 77-39976 ISSN 1608-9014.
106значок Belashov A.N. «Review of cosmological theories of the formation of planets in the Solar system». Interuniversity international congress "Higher school: scientific research". Collection of scientific articles based on the results of the congress held in Moscow on July 25, 2024, volume 1, pages 110-127. Infinity Publishing House. Certificate of state registration of PI  № FS 77-38591 ISSN 2077-3153.
107значок Belashov A.N. «The influence of the environment on the mechanisms of interaction between the planet Earth and its satellite the Moon». International scientific conference «Scientific research of the SCO countries: synergy and integration held on 14 August 2024 years in Beijing, China. Collection of scientific articles, volume 1, pages 141-162. Infinity Publishing House. Certificate of state registration of PI  № FS 77-38591 ISSN 2077-3153.
108значок Belashov A.N. «A New Theory of the Formation of the Planets of the Solar System». International Scientific Conference «Science. Education. Practice» held on August 28, 2024 in Delhi, India. Collection of scientific articles, volume 1, pages 129-145. Infinity Publishing House. Certificate of state registration PI  № FS 77-38591 ISSN 2077-3153.
109значок Belashov A.N. «Mathematical evidence for the formation of water and an air shell on the emerging planet Earth from a small satellite of the Moon». International scientific conference "Scientific research of the SCO countries: synergy and integration held on September 11, 2024 in Beijing, China. Collection of scientific articles, volume 1, pages 146-168. Infinity Publishing House. Certificate of state registration of PI  № FS 77-38591 ISSN 2077-3153.
110значок Belashov A.N. «A New Version of the World's First Belashov Electric Machine». Interuniversity International Congress "Higher School: Scientific Research". Collection of scientific articles based on the results of the congress held in Moscow on October 17, 2024, pages 89-95. Infinity Publishing House. Certificate of state registration of PI  № FS 77-38591 ISSN 2077-3153.
111значок Belashov A.N. «New version of the world's first electric disk machine Belashov». International Scientific Conference «Science. Education. Practice» held on October 23, 2024 in Delhi, India. Collection of scientific articles, volume 1, pages 173-177. Infinity Publishing House. Certificate of state registration PI  № FS 77-38591 ISSN 2077-3153.
112значок Belashov A.N. «High-voltage DC-DC converter with combined transformers». International Scientific Conference «Science. Education. Practice» held on November 20, 2024 in Delhi, India. Collection of scientific articles, volume 2, pages 114-120. Infinity Publishing House. Certificate of state registration PI  № FS 77-38591 ISSN 2077-3153.

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