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Video proves suschestovanie planetary model of atomic structure.
The video is dedicated to reinforce the view of the planetary model of atomic structure. After the opening of the new law of gravity a material body is in space, the solar (or other) system to the central star (the Sun), and the new law of gravity between the two material bodies are in the space of the solar (or other) system to the central star of the sun can prove the mechanism of interaction between all planets in the solar system with the sun. These laws can be used to prove the interaction of the electrons of the atom and the nucleus together. These arguments are confirmed by the new law of energy between two material bodies are in space, the solar (or other) system and the new law energy of the material body in space, the solar (or other) system, the central star of the sun. According to the new laws of electrical phenomena, which are based on constant feedback the speed of light, it is easy to prove the difference between an atom from atom conductor insulator or semiconductor atoms from the atom magnetic, diamagnetic, paramagnetic material and a ferromagnet. The new law activity of a material body is in space will allow a detailed understanding of the mechanism of rotation of electrons or planets of the solar system in an elliptical orbit and take a fresh look at this phenomenon of nature.
From a variety of contradictory hypotheses of atomic structure should be allocated only to the planetary model of the atom, which is amenable to logical understanding, and it is possible to prove the newly discovered laws of physics. The planetary model of atomic structure was proposed by Ernest Rutherford. It is in 1911, in the June issue of the journal «Philosophical Magazine» published this work on dispelling α- and β-particles of matter and the structure of the atom, in which he first introduced this concept as the "nucleus" and the "planetary model of the atom." The disadvantage of the planetary model was the inability to explain this hypothesis of stability of atoms. After the discovery of new laws of planets and galaxies in our universe this scientific assumption is easy to confirm the new arguments. To illustrate based on the planetary model of the solar system and the interaction of all of its planets to the Sun, according to new laws of planetary formation and galaxies in our universe.
For example, the new law of gravity a material body is in space, the solar (or other) system to the central star (the Sun) can determine the gravitational force of the planets of the solar system to the Sun, which can be formulated as follows: The gravitational force of the material body is in space, the solar (or other) system to the central star (the Sun) is the product of the mass of the measured material body module of acceleration of gravity measured by the material body, the diameter of the measured material body, and inversely proportional to the distance from the surface of the Sun to the surface measuring the material body. where:
F тсо - the gravitational force of a material body is in space, the solar (or other) system to the central star (the Sun), N Lс - distance from the center of the star (Sun) measured from the surface of a material body, m g и - unit of gravitational acceleration measured material body, m/s² D и - measured diameter of the body of material, m m и - measured weight of the material body, kg. For example, according to the law of gravity a material body is in space, the solar (or other) system to the central star (the Sun), determine the gravitational force of the planet Mercury to the central star (the Sun).
where: F тсо - the gravitational force of a material body is in space, the solar (or other) system to the central star (the Sun), N Lс - distance from the central star (the Sun) to the surface of the planet Mercury = 57910000000 m g и - unit of acceleration of gravity of the planet Mercury = 3,70 m/s² m и - mass of the planet Mercury = 3,330228 ∙ 10 23 kg D и - the diameter of the planet Mercury = 4879400 m.
For example, according to the law of gravity a material body is in space, the solar (or other) system to the central star (the Sun), determine the gravitational force of the planet Venus to the central star (the Sun). where: F тсо - the gravitational force of a material body is in space, the solar (or other) system to the central star (the Sun), N Lс - distance from the central star (the Sun) to the surface of the planet Venus = 108000000000 m g и - unit of acceleration of gravity of the planet Venus = 8,87 m/s²
m и - mass of the planet Venus = 4,8685 ∙ 10 24 kg D и - the diameter of the planet Venus = 12103000 m. For example, according to the law of gravity a material body is in space, the solar (or other) system to the central star (the Sun) define the gravitational force of the planet Earth, to the central star (the Sun). where: F тсо - the gravitational force of a material body is in space, the solar (or other) system to the central star (the Sun), N
Lс - distance from the central star (the Sun) to the surface of the planet Earth = 150000000000 m g и - unit of gravitational acceleration of Planet Earth = 9,80665 m/s² m и - the mass of the planet Earth = 5,9726 ∙ 10 24 kg D и - the diameter of the planet Earth = 12756200 m. For example, according to the law of gravity a material body is in space, the solar (or other) system to the central star (the Sun), determine the gravitational force of the planet Mars to the central star (the Sun). where:
F тсо - the gravitational force of a material body is in space, the solar (or other) system to the central star (the Sun), N Lс - distance from the central star (the Sun) to the surface of the planet Mars = 228000000000 m g и - unit of acceleration of gravity of the planet Mars = 3,711 m/s² m и - mass of the planet Mars = 6,4185 ∙ 10 23 kg D и - the diameter of the planet Mars = 6792400 m.
For example, according to the law of gravity a material body is in space, the solar (or other) system to the central star (the Sun), define the force of gravity of the dwarf planet Ceres to the central star (the Sun), which is located in the asteroid belt. where: F тсо - the gravitational force of a material body is in space, the solar (or other) system to the central star (the Sun), N Lс - distance from the central star (the Sun) to the surface of the dwarf planet Ceres = 413900000000 m g и - unit of gravitational acceleration dwarf planet Ceres = 0,27 m/s²
m и - the mass of the dwarf planet Ceres = 9,43 ∙ 10 20 kg D и - diameter of the dwarf planet Ceres = 974600 m. For example, according to the law of gravity a material body is in space, the solar (or other) system to the central star (the Sun), determine the gravitational force of Jupiter to the central star (the Sun), which refers to the planets gas giants. where: F тсо - the gravitational force of a material body is in space, the solar (or other) system to the central star (the Sun), N
Lс - distance from the central star (the Sun) to the surface of the planet Jupiter = 778000000000 m g и - unit of acceleration of gravity of the planet Jupiter = 24,79 m/s² m и - mass of the planet Jupiter = 1,8986 ∙ 10 27 kg D и - the diameter of the planet Jupiter = 142984000 m. For example, according to the law of gravity a material body is in space, the solar (or other) system to the central star (the Sun), determine the gravitational force of the planet Saturn to the central star (the Sun).
where: F тсо - the gravitational force of a material body is in space, the solar (or other) system to the central star (the Sun), N Lс - distance from the central star (the Sun) to the surface of the planet Saturn = 1427000000000 m g и - unit of acceleration of gravity of the planet Saturn = 10,44 m/s² m и - mass of the planet Saturn = 5,6846 ∙ 10 26 kg D и - the diameter of the planet Saturn = 120536000 m.
For example, according to the law of gravity a material body is in space, the solar (or other) system to the central star (the Sun), determine the gravitational force of the planet Uranus to the central star (the Sun). where: F тсо - the gravitational force of a material body is in space, the solar (or other) system to the central star (the Sun), N Lс - distance from the central star (the Sun) to the surface of the planet Uranus = 2886000000000 m g и - unit of acceleration of gravity of the planet Uranus = 8,87 m/s²
m и - mass of the planet Uranus = 8,6832 ∙ 10 25 kg D и – the diameter of the planet Uranus = 51118000 m. For example, according to the law of gravity a material body is in space, the solar (or other) system to the central star (the Sun), determine the gravitational force of the planet Neptune, the central star (the Sun). where: F тсо - the gravitational force of a material body is in space, the solar (or other) system to the central star (the Sun), N
Lс - distance from the central star (the Sun) to the surface of the planet Neptune = 4498000000000 m g и - unit of acceleration of gravity of the planet Neptune = 11,15 m/s² m и - mass of the planet Neptune = 1,0243 ∙ 10 26 kg D и - the diameter of the planet Neptune = 49528000 m. For example, according to the law of gravity a material body is in space, the solar (or other) system to the central star (the Sun), determine the gravitational force of the planet Pluto to a central star (the Sun). where:
F тсо - the gravitational force of a material body is in space, the solar (or other) system to the central star (the Sun), N Lс - distance from the central star (the Sun) to the surface of the planet Pluto = 5929000000000 m g и - unit of acceleration of gravity of the planet Pluto = 0,58 m/s² m и - mass of the planet Pluto = 1,305 ∙ 10 22 kg D и – the diameter of the planet Pluto = 2374000 m. List of the most current scientific discoveries.Here you will learn about the discovery of the basic laws of the universe:
the law for determining energy within the various spaces of our Universe, allowing us to calculate the stored energy of any material body on our planet, for example, a certain volume of some type of wood, coal, oil, gas, and so on... The new law completely refutes the statement about the conservation of energy in the space of our Universe.
the law for determining the speed of light in the space of our Universe, displaying the large dependence of the movement of the speed of light passing in space on the power of the light emission source, the diameter of the light flux and the distance from the light emission source to the final target. The new law takes into account the loss of light flux passing through the substance of space and the acceleration of free fall of bodies in the space of the medium where the light source is moving. The new law completely refutes the statement about the constancy of the speed of light in the space of our Universe. Discovery of new constants:
Discovery of new physical quantities:
Refutation of old laws of physics:
Discovery of new physical phenomena of the material world:
Outer space is a thermodynamic self-regulating energy system, which in the process of its work creates not only the substance of outer space, which has its own composition, its mass and density, but also the acceleration of free fall of bodies in space around all the stars, galaxies and constellations of our Universe. The substance of outer space and the acceleration of free fall of bodies in space closely interact with the forces of gravity and energy between active and passive material bodies. After the discovery of the constant inverse speed of light, the constant of the substance of outer space, the constant of internal stresses of the substance of outer space, a new physical quantity that determines the substance of outer space and a new physical quantity that determines the acceleration of free fall of bodies in the space of the Solar System, the mechanism of rotation of the planets and galaxies of our Universe along the elliptical orbit. The mechanism of the emergence of forces that rotate the planets and galaxies of our Universe in an elliptical orbit occurs in cosmic substance and depends on the degree of activity of material bodies, their density, volume, the acceleration of free fall of bodies in space, gravitational forces and energy between active or passive material bodies. When the position of one material body located in the space of the solar system changes in relation to another material body, not only the gravitational force of this material body will change, but also its energy. New constants, new physical quantities and new laws give us the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the mechanism of rotation of the planets and galaxies of our Universe in an elliptical orbit.
New laws of gravitational gravitation:
The basic laws that create the movement of material bodies in an elliptical orbit.
Comments on the scientific discoveries of Belashov:
See the description of the new laws of formation of the planets of the solar system and galaxies in our universe in the description of the application for an invention № 2005129781 dated September 28, 2005.
See the description of the mechanisms of formation of the planets of the solar system and galaxies of our Universe in the description of the application for an invention № 2005140396 of December 26, 2005. |