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Preface  of  the  author  to  a  scientific  article.
Additions to the discovery of the constant inverse of the speed of light and the refutation of the postulates and Einstein's law are published in journal «Аспирант и соискатель» № 1 for 2019 year. Publisher «Спутник+», city Moscow. Certificate of State Registration PI № 77-39976 ISSN 1608-9014.
Additions to the refutation of the law of the world and the constant of gravity published in the journal «Актуальные проблемы современной науки» № 2 for 2019 year. Publisher «Спутник+», city Moscow. Certificate of State Registration PI № 77-39976 ISSN 1608-9014.
The discovery of the mechanism of formation of gravitational forces, cosmic opposition forces and forces of cosmic interaction, which are published in journal «Аспирант и соискатель» № 1 for 2019 year. Publisher «Спутник+», city Moscow. Certificate of State Registration PI № 77-39976 ISSN 1608-9014.
The force of gravitational gravity between two material bodies located in the space of the solar system was discovered, which was published in the scientific and practical journal «Высшая школа» № 12 for 2018 year. Publisher «Инфинити» City Ufa. Certificate of State Registration PI № ФС 77-38591 ISSN 2409-1677.
A new reverse speed constant has been opened, which is taken from the description of the application for invention. № 2012142735 for 09 October 2012 years and in a popular form set out in the scientific and analytical journal «Научный обозреватель» № 1 for 2013 year. Publisher «Инфинити» City Ufa. Certificate of State Registration PI № ФС 77-38591 ISSN 2306-9147.
Evidence of the existence of a planetary model of the structure of the atom is based on the new laws of the formation of planets and galaxies of our Universe, which are taken from the description of the application for invention № 2005129781 for 28 September 2005 years and popularly set out in «Журнале научных и прикладных исследований» № 11 for 2015 year. City Ufa. Certificate of State Registration PI № ФС 77-38591 ISSN 2306-9147.
The refutation of the nuclear model of the structure of the atom is open, which is based on the new laws of the formation of planets and galaxies of our Universe, which are taken from the description of the application for invention № 2005129781 for 28 September 2005 years and popularly set out in «Журнале научных и прикладных исследований» № 11 for 2015 year. City Ufa. Certificate of State Registration PI № ФС 77-38591 ISSN 2306-9147.
Scientific article review certificate «Evidence of the internal structure of a nuclear-free atom» International scientific conference «Scientific research of the SCO countries: synergy and integration» Held in Beijing, China on 10 February 10 2023 year.

UDC 53.02

Evidence of the internal structure of a nuclear-free atom.

New views on the model of the internal structure and structure of the atom.
Annotation. The article is devoted to the proof of the internal structure of a nuclear-free atom, which is based on the dynamic model of the atom developed in 1903 by the German experimental physicist Philipp Eduard Anton von Lenard. This model of a nuclear-free atom partially resembles the planetary model of the structure of the planets of the solar system, where the main function of keeping the planets of the solar system in their orbits is performed by the substance of outer space, or by the old name "cosmic ether". In a nuclear-free atom, this function is performed by the substance of the studied material body, which has its own density and a different number of neutral particles "dynamide", in the modern interpretation, this expression can be defined as "electronic dipoles".
Mankind has been trying for many centuries to understand how our world works. In the beginning, all the knowledge acquired by man formed the ancient science of astronomy. With the development of knowledge, humanity began to learn what our inner world consists of, forming the natural and physical sciences. The science of the knowledge of our microworld has gathered many founders and followers. It is very difficult to note all the scientists who have dealt with and are now dealing with these problems taking place on our planet, so we will highlight some of the works of scientists that relate to this scientific article.
At the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries, many new scientific discoveries occurred, which forced to reconsider a number of basic provisions of Newton's classical physics, who was far ahead of several generations of his followers in his scientific insights, and established a new view of this world. An opponent of the theory of relativity and changes in the direction in the study of physics was the winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1905, for research work on cathode rays, Philipp Eduard Anton von Lenard, a German experimental physicist, author of many works in the field of solid state physics and atomic physics. In 1936, Lenard's textbook German Physics in Four Volumes was published. He described only areas of classical physics and did not deal with either quantum mechanics or the theory of relativity. The discoveries of modern physics were explained using the theory of the ether and the atomic model of Johann Stark.
It should be noted that Lenard, based on the measurement of the absorption of cathode rays, developed in 1903 his dynamid model of the atom, according to which the atom was, in general terms, “empty”, and in this atom there were identical neutral particles “dynamides” of small volume, consisting of an electron and a strongly bound positively charged particle. With this model, Lenard for the first time refuted the then dominant idea of the atom as a massive homogeneous object. Leonard's model was the forerunner of Rutherford's 1910 and 1911 planetary model of the atom, which he developed from his experiments on alpha particle scattering.
It must be emphasized that an atom cannot be empty, where there are identical neutral particles "dynamides" of small volume, consisting of electrons and positively charged particles strongly connected with them, which are in the substance of a material body having a different number and different power, which can be proved by specific examples based on the laws of physics.
The first models of the structure of the atom appear at the very beginning of the 20th century. The French physicist Jean Baptiste Perrin in 1901 suggested a nuclear-planetary structure of the atom. The model of the structure of the atom was widely used in 1902 by the cake model of the atom by the British physicist, mechanic and engineer William Thomson, who suggested that the atom is a bunch of positively charged matter, inside which electrons are evenly distributed. A similar model was proposed in 1904 by the Japanese physicist Hantaro Nagaoka. A detailed model of the structure of the atom was developed by the English physicist Joseph John Thomson, who believed that the electrons inside a positively charged ball are located in the same plane and form concentric rings and proposed a method for determining the number of electrons in an atom, based on the scattering of X-rays, based on the assumption that electrons should be scattering centers. Experiments have shown that the number of electrons in the atoms of elements is approximately half the size of the atomic mass. Joseph John Thomson suggested that the number of electrons in an atom continuously increases when moving from element to element, for the first time he tried to connect the structure of atoms with the periodicity of the properties of elements.
The basis of the modern theory of the structure of the atom is the planetary model, supplemented and improved. According to this theory, the nucleus of an atom consists of protons (positively charged particles) and neurons (uncharged particles). And around the nucleus, electrons (negatively charged particles) move along indefinite trajectories.
Scientists who adhere to these views on the given structure of the atom need to answer one elementary question who inside each atomic nucleus determines the chemical composition and properties of the material under study, the number of rotating electrons and distributes them over different levels, for example, during the melting of copper and zinc in various proportions.
For convincing evidence of the internal structure of the structure of the atom, we will use a visual device depicted in figure 1 having a tank 1 with a base 2 filled with liquid 3, where the liquid of the tank can contain different densities.
Figure 1    закон
Inside the liquid 3, at different levels, there are a different number of semi-submerged floats 4. Composite semi-submerged floats 4 have a different diameter 5 and consist of cork and lead. At the first level 6 inside the tank 1 there are a different number of semi-submerged floats 4. At the second level 7 inside the tank 1 there are a different number of semi-submerged floats 4. At the third level 8 inside the tank 1 there are a different number of semi-submerged floats 4. The mass and volume of the composite semi-submerged floats 4 are at different levels inside the tank 1 is equal to the mass and volume 9 of the liquid 3 located between the lower base of the semi-submerged float 4 and the base 2. Moreover, it should be noted that when replacing the liquid 3 in the tank 1 having a different density, the levels between the composite semi-submerged floats 4 and the base 2 will change tank 1.
This circumstance, in which composite semi-submerged floats can be compared with the location of the "electronic dipoles" of the atom at different levels and the location of the planets of the solar system in their orbits.
Indeed, the model of the atom in some way corresponds to the planetary structure of the planets of the solar system. The planets of the solar system are kept in their orbits with the help of the substance of outer space "cosmic ether" emanating from the surface of the Sun. The matter of the substance of outer space emanating from our star has its own composition, mass, density and energy, which is distributed throughout the solar system, holding and connecting all cosmic bodies in their orbits. Inside the atom, “electronic dipoles” interact with each other using the forces of gravitational attraction, counter forces and interaction forces that can be determined according to the new laws of physics discovered by A.N. Belashov.
Однако атом имеет большое различие с планетарной системой, так как в атоме нет ядра. Основную функцию удержания планет Солнечной системы на своих орбитах является субстанция космического пространства или по старому названию «космический эфир» исходящий от нашей звезды. В атоме фиг.2 эту функцию выполняет субстанция исследуемого материального тела 1 заданная химическими и физическими свойствами исследуемого материала имеющего свою плотность и разное количество нейтральных частиц 2 «динамид». Как говорилось ранее в современной интерпретации данное выражение можно определить как «электронные диполи», на что указывал немецкий физик-экспериментатор Филипп Эдуард Антон фон Ленард.
Figure 2    закон
It should be emphasized that after a detailed study of new discoveries explaining the mechanism of formation of the Sun's magnetic field, the mechanism of formation of the substance of outer space, the mechanism of movement of the planets of the Solar System around the Sun and the law of determining the distance from the surface of the Sun to any planet of the Solar System, it becomes clear that the previously approved model of the structure atom is not consistent. In fact, the model of the atom, which was proposed by the German experimental physicist Philipp Eduard Anton von Lenard, is the most relevant. An atom, according to the Lenard model, consists of neutral particles "dynamide" in the translation into modern language "electronic dipoles" located in the substance of various materials having different physical and chemical properties, having different properties and different density of the substance of the material under study. According to this model of the structure of the atom, it is easy to explain the electrical, electromagnetic and dielectric properties of any material. According to the new laws of forces of gravitational attraction, forces of reaction and interaction, it is possible to determine the different forces that arise between "electronic dipoles", as well as to understand the mechanism of movement of electric charges through a conductor or semiconductor, it is easy to explain the mechanism of diffusion between different metals during their long contact, and so on...
The most important thing in the structure of such an atom is that the studied materials, different in physical properties, having different densities, when they are fused, a new material is formed with different physical and chemical properties of the material. It must be remembered that in any atom there is no nucleus, which, as it were, should be responsible for the chemical and physical properties of this material, and even in their percentage and a different number of "electronic dipoles" that are distributed over different levels.

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Complete list of scientific publications.

List of the most current scientific discoveries.

Opening new constants:
Discovery of new physical quantities:
Refutation of old laws of physics:
Discovery of new physical phenomena of the material world:
Outer space is a thermodynamic self-regulating energy system, which in the process of its work creates not only the substance of outer space, which has its own composition, its mass and density, but also the acceleration of free fall of bodies in space around all the stars, galaxies and constellations of our Universe. The substance of outer space and the acceleration of free fall of bodies in space closely interact with the forces of gravity and energy between active and passive material bodies. After the discovery of the constant inverse speed of light, the constant of the substance of outer space, the constant of internal stresses of the substance of outer space, a new physical quantity that determines the substance of outer space and a new physical quantity that determines the acceleration of free fall of bodies in the space of the Solar System, the mechanism of rotation of the planets and galaxies of our Universe along the elliptical orbit. The mechanism of the emergence of forces that rotate the planets and galaxies of our Universe in an elliptical orbit occurs in cosmic substance and depends on the degree of activity of material bodies, their density, volume, the acceleration of free fall of bodies in space, gravitational forces and energy between active or passive material bodies. When the position of one material body located in the space of the solar system changes in relation to another material body, not only the gravitational force of this material body will change, but also its energy. New constants, new physical quantities and new laws give us the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the mechanism of rotation of the planets and galaxies of our Universe in an elliptical orbit.
New laws of gravitational gravitation:
The basic laws that create the movement of material bodies in an elliptical orbit.
Comments on the scientific discoveries of Belashov:
See the description of the new laws of formation of the planets of the solar system and galaxies in our universe in the description of the application for an invention  № 2005129781 dated September 28, 2005.
See the description of the mechanisms of formation of the planets of the solar system and galaxies of our Universe in the description of the application for an invention  № 2005140396 of December 26, 2005.